“Warts ‘N All”
Country P76 Club
Second Editorial
- To all members new and old we welcome you to a new year 2005 for historic P76 driving.
- Our Club now boasts 24 members and still growing.
- To all our new members thank you for joining our Club and keeping our enthusiasm growing in the hobby of driving and restoring
The Classic Leyland P76.
- As I have said before we have not started this Club to take members from other Clubs, it is to fulfil the needs of country P76 owners, in having a magazine, knowing where to gets parts and keep the cars on the road, be able to talk or correspond with other P76 owners.
- Meet other owners and see what they are doing. The Yahoo group that Adrian has on the web has been very interesting reading.
- Keep up the good work Adrian and thanks for the great Web site, it is certainly a great way for P76 owners to keep in touch across Australia, New Zealand and overseas countries.
- Our Club has been quite over the Christmas period, having family home keeps us all busy.
- Our Club had a Christmas run to Stockinbingal with three cars partaking, Eddie Sams & Leonie in the 6cy. Dry Red P76, Jim & Susan Hugo and Family in the Country Cream V8, and Michael & Gwen Livingstone’s Oh Fudge V8.

- Our Bold as Brass took Santa & Mrs Claus on the town tour and I drove it. Our 1931 A Model Ford Fire Engine with all the Big and small kids on driven by Michael. About 15 cars from the Cootamundra Antique Motor Club followed.
- A great time was had by all.

- Santa & Mrs Claus with the Bold as Brass
Leyland P76
- Between Christmas and New Year we visited Brian Hooper’s place and it is great to see the cars that Brian, Phil & Gordon have saved from the scrap heap. They are to be commended in their dedication to preserve the cars and parts for the future.
- We had a great day and thanks for the hospitality.
- P S We left early to arrive at Brian place and after an hour of driving around decided we had wrong directions.
- We were somehow given wrong directions by Brian, and somehow Michael had forgotten to take the farm phone number.
- (Typical p76 owners) !!!!!!! Better not say that or I will be in the wars again.
- I had Phil Crowther’s home number with me and luckily was able to get him and he rang Brian to come and get us.
- Thanks for saving us Phil.

- Michael, Brian & Gordon with Oh Fudge
- Michael hasn’t been able to do anything to the station wagon, as it had just turned New Years Day and he had a severe asthma attack and ended up in hospital. Not the first baby of the year but the first patient. We arrived home about 2.30 he was ok. 8.30 next morning we had to go to the hospital again. This attack was more severe then the last and it was Dr’s and nurses all on call.
- He spent a couple of days in hospital and is slowly getting back to himself.
- We had booked the Aspin green Targa to go to the motor fest in Sydney but decided Michael was not well enough to go. Maybe next year.
- Our thanks go to Phil Crowther who has sent us his “Tech Tips” to include in our magazine.
- Phil is a very talented mechanic on the Leyland P76 and we thank him most sincerely in allowing us to print this information he has put together to help us when we have problems with our cars.
- Thanks again Phil.
- Since I started writing this editorial we
- Have been able to purchase a new front guard for the station wagon and Michael has started going through his P76 spares to get a few things he will need for its restoration.
- We were able to purchase at a garage sale in Cootamundra (believe it or not) a set of new mud flaps. We also purchased an old bakers trolley which is great for putting the new and old parts on as the car is pulled apart, ready for restoration.
- The trolley can be wheeled around the shed to wherever Michael is working.
- Any new parts are put on the trolley so we know what we have when it is needed.
- Gwen Livingstone
- Editor
- It is great to see so many country P76 owners joining our Club.
- Thank you all for your support.
- Our first meeting for the year is on Monday night 31st January 2005.
- 44 Poole St Cootamundra. at 8 p.m.
- Jim Hugo and family have tracked down our patron Reg Morrisey who sold the P76’s new in Cootamundra. Reg has had a leg amputated and was away a couple of months in Wagga Hospital. Reg now resides at the Cootamundra Retirement village and loves visitors.
- Jim is also working on the incorporation of the Club. Fred is now our Club historian as per last meeting
- Future runs suggested are a holiday trip to Tasmania and further in the future a Highway 1 trip around Australia and we hope to be invited to join the NSW Club in a trip to Orange to be organized in the first six months of this year.
- Entry forms for the 2006 National Rally will be posted in the next six weeks.
- Yours in Historic Motoring.
- Michael

- Craig & Susan Hugo’s Country Cream P76 V8 the first car on Country P76 registration. There are now three cars on our club plates.
Last updated Mar, 2007 |
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