South Australian Leyland P76 Owners Club - 2008 |
Memories of a Christmas Club Run 8th December 2007
From Darren
- It was a sunny Saturday morning in early December, and many of us had planned to drive in convoy to the Xmas Club Lunch at Riverscape Café Murray Bridge.
- The majority of us met at Eagle on the hill. Others of us had pre-arranged meeting places to gather together, before joining the vast convoy of Leyland P76’s for the long trip down to The Bridge.
- Our group (Secretary & President) met at the Birdwood Motor Museum. We had a pre-arranged appointment with the curator, to view our Club Space and make some arrangements for our Club Display.
- We were very impressed by the space allotted for our Club Display, and made arrangements to set-up our Display on January 13.
- After our brief visit to the Motor Museum, we continued to venture forth on our voyage of discovery.
- Then Surprise! Surprise! We bumped into some other Leyland P76’s on their way to Murray Bridge…
- Follow that car… I hope the car in front knows where he is going!
- This looks like the right place… Leyland P76’s everywhere!
- We were dazzled by the bright colours and quantity of P76’s. This must be the best accumulation of SA P76’s in the one place in years!
- After many chin wags and the mini Photo Shoot, we all began to get a little peckish so we piled into Riverscape Café, for what turned out to be a great lunch with great friends.
- The conversations ran wild. There were new faces, old faces and young ones among us, everyone enjoyed the coming together of great friends, great friends with a great interest in a great car, THE P76.
- So please don’t miss our next exciting Club Run, check your Mag for details.
Last updated Jan, 2008 |
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