Western Australia P76 Owners Club - 2007 |
The Aussie Car Day
15th April, 2007
- The photos were taken yesterday at The Aussie Car Day at Waroona, which is a town 100km South of Perth.
- This year the WA P76 had the main display in recognition of the club's 25th birthday this year.
- There was a very large number of cars displayed, including many Monaros, Toranas, Falcons and Chargers etc.
- We had 15 P76's on display which is quite good considering how many of our regular's couldn't attend for one reason or another.
- The show finished earlier than usual due to the enormous amount of rain that fell after lunch.
- Regards,
- James
- The green car is owned by Brendan Truman, who is a member of the WA P76 Owners club.
- The colour is NV Green, which is a P76 colour for those who don't know.
- It was fully restored by Brendan a few years back, with the panel and paint done by Tony Moisley who is another WA P76 club member.
Last updated April 2007 |
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