Queensland P76 Owners Club Inc. 2006 |
For sale and spares
V8 super
- From: "shgal"
- To: "'Adrian'"
- Submitting an ad on your "for sale and spares" section
- Date: Mon, 27 Sep 2004
- Adrian,
- Sorry, it's been a while since I've contacted you. My mum's been on my case to do something about dad's old p76 in the back yard again. I managed to see her again and get some photos.
- I would appreciate it if you could share this info and pics around.
- Unfortunately I couldn't snap any pics of the engine as the cable to open the bonnet has perished (any ideas how to get it open?)
- Car is P76, alloy V8 sedan, sky blue, un-reg. Has been off road for approx 9 years. Body good condition, paint work failing. Interior fair. Car was rebuilt (using second body, chassis, axles) after accident in '86 ??? (paint is not original). Requires attention to be made R/W. Excellent opportunity for renovation or spares. Plenty of parts and owner's / mechanics manual also available. Location; Ipswich, available for inspection.
- My mum has suggested she is most happy to give it away to a good home.
- Where it is now is not serving the interest of my late father. Before he died, he suggested that the motor is worth at least $500, but mum just wants it gone. If she gets any money for it, fine, and would be really appreciated. Only condition is that the person who wants it will need to pick it up with a trailer.
- If any of your members would like to inspect this beast, I'll arrange a time convenient for my mum. I can be contacted on 4659 7565 (a/h),
- 0429990009
- (w/h) or e-mail shane.gallaher@bigpond.com
- As I've previously said, mum wants this car gone, so I suggested that P76 club would be a good place to offer it, but, I've also suggested that if we don't hear of any interest within a couple of weeks (11th October), we'll put it on e-bay.
- Cheers,
- Shane Gallaher
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