Leyland P76 Owners 2005 |
Technical Information |
Power disk brakes used on all the P76.
Carl from South Australia would like to bring to everyones attention that a model of the P76 was available with no booster and only drum brakes. Known as the poverty pack
Rear Brakes
- Please note an error in the Leyland workshop manual Braking system R21 there is a caution note.
- I have found that the nut does not have a scribe mark around it to be the Left side not the right side as the book indicates.
Email written by Adrian
- Last weekend I needed to rebuild my drum brakes on the back of my P76.
- I found reading the book that I needed to make sure I had matched up the rear brake adjusting nut/bolt correctly other wise the Handbrake mechanism would undo the brakes.
- If you follow the information in the Leyland manual you will be setting it up incorrectly.
- They say the nut either has a scribe ring around it or it does not.
- The Gregorys manual is a little better. The text information is quite difficult to follow.
- The brakes on the car had been played with, before I bought the car and I needed find replacement bits to have them working before I could go back on the road.
- After fitting as indicated by the BIBLE (leyland manual)I checked out the mechanism functionality only to find it was undoing.
- I consulted with Neville, where he verified the mistake by visually inspecting another setup.
- So please be careful when putting the brake pieces back.
- You will also going to take your brake shoes to a specialist for re bonding as they are unable to be purchase over the counter in some auto stores.
Reply from Geoff
- Read your email and would like to know if the manual is incorrect in regards the rings as described ie no grooves indicate RH one groove LH.
- I have only found my cars adjusting nuts are stamped R and L as described also I have normally done one side at a time thus avoiding having problems.
- I would like to mention that I have found the adjusting lever part 3 sometimes does not mesh properley to the adjuster component part 4A and I have reset
- the lever and lightly filed the serations on the adjuster to give a more positive action as they become worn over the years . Saves bying parts.
- Cheers
- Geoff
Reply to Geoff
- Hi Geoff
- The manual that I have is wrong.
- My manual is Part # TP854
- I could not find a R or L on the nuts.
- Thanks for the tips, and I will add this to the web site as well.
- Cheers
- Adrian
Brake linings for P76
Needing spares then Hal has helped you with some information
- They are E1164SA linings and fit Austin 1800 / Tasman some Falcon and all
- brake outlets will be able to supply.
- Hal
Last updated April, 2008 |
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