Leyland P76 Owners 2004 |
Technical Lower control arms |
Lower control arm ball joints
Questions and Answers
- Sent: Friday, April 23, 2004
- No answer on the lower control arm ball joints and intermediate steering arms...
- it seems there is an urgent need for clubs to pool their talents and resources to solve this problem ..... or the email list o share
- their experience/knowledge in the absence of this.
- Surely theses roadworthy items are of prime concern to owners everywhere....
- its amazing that nothing has been done so far to adress the problem or have there been efforts???
- If there is anyone with knowledge in this area please share it....only if knowledge is shared will the cars have a chance of survival!
- all the best,
- Mick Clarke
- From: "Andrew Gibbon"
- Date: Fri, 23 Apr 2004
- Dear Mick,
- I have had the lower control arms reconditioned before for the Qld club, through a local automotive parts firm.They do a very good
- job, and replace the ball joint with a new one which has a grease
- nipple.
- They also replace the two bushes and paint the arms.The end result is a fully reconditioned lower control arm, I have been using them on my cars for
- years and also had one set pass a roadworthy inspection ok.
- If you want some sets done, its an exchange basis and I will have to re-investigate the price that I can get them for as it has been some time
- since we did any and the price of the bushes goes up from time to time.
- As for the steering arm ball joint I'm pretty sure there is a Holden or other equivalent that you can buy off the shelf.
- Regards
- Andrew Gibbon
Last updated Feb, 2006 |
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